Security Lock Types

Building & Construction By admin 0 Comments

Depending on where a door is in your home, it can have one of a variety of different locks. Since its on the inside of your home, your lock on your bathroom door maybe different from your storage room door. The type of lock you use depends on how much security you want for a particular room, so you may want to look at a variety of security lock types and consider the differences between them.

Basic Locks

The two basic types locks consist of combination locks and padlocks. A combination lock consists of 3 or more numbers combined with a few turns or some versions have a letter sequence. You typically see these locks on school lockers or possibly safes.These locks can be easily snipped with bolt cutters. Padlocks on the other hand can be similar in shape as combination locks. Padlocks require a key to open it instead of a combination. There are a few different features that padlocks can have that either make them harder to be snipped. Some padlocks dont let you remove the key when it is unlocked, with some of them you cant change the key that you open it with. These types of locks are best to lock up important documents or to lock up a safe with your most valuable possessions.

Resistant Locks

Resistant locks are just one of the security lock types out there. They are not the easiest to pick but they are easier than others can be. Resistant locks are similar to padlocks, as in their shape. Resistant locks are smaller and have more protection around the lock part. Where the lock clicks into place is smaller. It is harder to pick or snip these locks when they are locked on to something since its smaller.

High Security Locks

Security lock types such as high security locks are a good choice to use to lock up important items and prized possessions, since they are harder to pick. A high security lock employs mechanisms that completely block and render nearly useless most typical lockpicks. Anyone that tries to pick lock it with anything less than stellar skill would be unable, to open a high security lock in under a half an hour. Even a skilled lock picker would require specialized tools and techniques to compromise a high security lock in anything less than five minutes.To lock pick this type of lock, you would need non-standard tools and techniques to succeed.

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Unpickable Locks

While it is not completely unbelievable that a highly skilled attacker, given enough research, might be able to open one of these unpickable locks without the proper key or combination, on average it could never be done in under thirty minutes and would always require special tools and perhaps several researched techniques. Even then, it is quite likely that most attacks would involve more than the covert types of action most commonly associated with lockpicking.

Some degree of commotion and conspicuous disturbance would likely be a feature of even the most meticulous attacks against unpickable locks. While it may seem unsettling that someone with enough skill, research money, and dedication could open a door in your facility secured with what I would refer to as an unpickable lock. I would guess that if an unauthorized individual can squat by a secure entryway and methodically and maybe noise, utilize a variety of nonstandard instruments in the door for upwards of a half an hour without being noticed or challenged, then you have a larger problem with your overall security model. With these locks being so hard to break into, they could be considered as the strongest security lock types compared to the others.

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I would say security is one of the most important things among everyday life. With the knowledge of the security lock types that are out there, you can make better choices about your personal security in your household. To know more about the different types of door locks, visit this site.