Not only are trees good for the environment, they also are beneficial to other living plants and animals as well. But there can be certain times when trees can be a threat to not only your property, but to people as well. It is important you are aware of the situations when emergency tree removal may be required. Here are just a few of the situations where you will have to consider arranging for a tree to remove from your property. It is important that an experienced and qualified tree removal company to carry out any such work.
3 Situations When Emergency Tree Removal Is Required
1 – Tree Is Diseased
There are many reasons why a tree has become diseased. The main ones are through pollution, wildlife or insect infestations. Maybe the tree is close to other plants that have become diseased. Trees over time will become weakened and decompose. This can then cause the branches to break off and cause the tree to become uprooted. If you notice any signs such as dead branches, leaves have become discoloured or deep cracks in the bark. Then this is when you should call in a tree specialist to inspect it.
2 – Damage To Tree Because Of A Storm
Heavy, strong winds can cause genuine problems in trees in your garden. The wind can grab the canopy of the tree and weaken it at the roots, leading to it becoming uprooted. Also, large amounts of rain can cause the soil around the tree to become loose and get washed away. This leaves the roots of the tree exposed and with nothing to help them stay in place. So eventually the tree will start to topple over. Also, this can lead to damage to the branches on the tree that can prove hazardous as well. Although storms can cause damage to the branches, it also may be a sign that the tree is dying or is already dead.
3 – Tree Is In Danger Of Falling
Over time, you may notice that the tree in your garden has become to grow at a certain angle. This isn’t something that you should be too concerned about. However, if the tree leans at an angle suddenly and cracks appear, then you need to consider calling in a tree removal specialist to have it checked over. They will see immediately if there is a real problem or if they can help to rectify the situation. But don’t leave it too long, as you aren’t only risking damage to your home should the tree fall, but also to those who live in it. Keeping in mind the above will ensure that should any issues arise with any trees in your garden, you can deal with the issues quickly and effectively.